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Virtual Baby Storytime: 6/4/2020


Updated: Aug 3, 2021

Hi Guys, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted a storytime, what with the pandemic and everyone working on a million little things. But I’ve finally done my first live, virtual storytime. Here’s what I did:

Hello Friends (ASL)

I like to use a lot of sign language in my storytimes. I usually use Baby Sign Language as a resource for my babies. I will teach them the signs first and then we will do it all together.

Hello friends, Hello friends, It’s time to say hello. (x2)

Wake Up Feet

We always need a good wake up rhyme to get moving and this is a perfect lap rhyme. 


Wake up feet, wake up feet Wake up feet and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle Wake up feet, wake up feet Wake up and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. (Also: hands, ears, knees, fingers, hips, etc.)

BOOK – Hands Can by Cheryl Willis Hudson (Candlewick)

I love how we can do the movements the kids do in the book.

Fingers Like to Wiggle Waggle

This is a movement rhyme that can work on opposites, direction, body part identification and it super fun!

Fingers like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle. Fingers like to wiggle waggle… WAY UP HIGH! Fingers like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle. Fingers like to wiggle waggle… WAY DOWN LOW! How else do fingers like to wiggle? (wiggle on different body parts)

Prop – Five Little Nails

I use a prop when I do this one but it can also be done as a finger play.

Five little nails, standing straight and steady. Here I come with my hammer ready! Bam Bam Bam! That nail goes down. Now there’s just four nails to pound. (Repeat until nails are gone)

BOOK – Mice Squeak, We Speak by Arnold Shapiro & Tomie dePaola (Puffin Books)

I like using books with lots of sounds and big pictures and words for my babies and this one is perfect.

See the Little Mousie


This is a great one for interacting with baby and it ends with a tickle!

See the little mousie (circle finger on baby’s hand) Creeping up the stair. (move hands up baby’s arm) Looking for a warm nest, (move fingers up arm) There, oh, there! (tickle armpit)

Hickory Dickory Dock (puppet)

This is another good one to do as a finger play/interaction with baby.

Hickory, dickory, dock, The mouse ran up the clock; (run up baby’s arm) The clock struck one, (tap baby’s nose) And down he run, (run down baby’s arm) Hickory, dickory, dock.

BOOK – Piggies by Audrey Wood (HMH)

This was my favorite book as a kid. It’s hard to do and read at the same time so it’s perfect for virtual storytime. At home, we do it with my daughter when my husband can flip the pages.

Roly Poly

Gotta get my lifts in!


I Bounce You Here

I love this bounce and it ends in a hug!

I bounce you here, I bounce you there I bounce you, bounce you everywhere. I tickle you here, I tickle you there I tickle you, tickle you everywhere. I hug you here, I hug you there I hug you, hug you everywhere.

Good Bye Friends (ASL)

We end the same way we started.

Goodbye friends, Goodbye friends, It’s time to say goodbye.

How’d it go:

I ended up running out of time, so I cut my last goodbye rhyme but all in all, I think it went really well. It’s hard to tell, not having that interaction from the group, but everyone seemed to have a good time.

That’s all for now!


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