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The Mortal Word


The Mortal Word by Genevieve Cogman is the fifth book in The Invisible Library series.

An unprecedented event is about to occur and as usual, everything could come down to Irene. The Library has been chosen as mediators between the Dragons and the Fae, in the hopes of starting a path toward peace. But when one of the dragons from the peace party is murdered, what looked like peace could actually end up in war.

Now Irene, Val and Kai must locate the murderer all while navigating dangerous egos and tricky politics. Can Irene muster her wit to save these peace talks and keep the library neutral?

I just love this series. The first three books were definitely my favorites but these past two have still been great. I think it is this world Cogman has created. It is full of magic and action, competing personalities and literally anything can happen. Irene is full of ingenuity and has just enough snark and realistic reactions, that she just makes for a fun character.

I do wish we got a little more of Val and Kai in The Mortal Word. For a “mission” that would totally be up Val’s ally, I thought Irene really did all the heavy lifting. But we did get a very long awaited for moment that was perfect in its hinted simplicity behind the scenes and some teasing of whats to come.

This is a series that I think could go on and on. There’s enough side plots that could be explored and the politics between the three factions of power will always be around for the added drama.

This one get 4 stars from me! Keep ’em coming Cogman, I’m a fan!

That’s all for now!


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