The Dawn Chorus by Samantha Shannon is a Bone Season novella that takes place between book 3 & 4.
After finally escaping from captivity and torture at the hands of Scion, Paige Mahoney and her ally and confidant, Arcturus Mesarthim, have hold up in a safe house in Scion Paris. But Paige has been damaged both mentally and physically and time may not be enough to bring her back from the edge.
Within the confines of the safe-house, Paige and Arcturus begin to reconnect but after weeks of following separate paths the reunion is fraught with tension and insecurity. The two must work through their differences while waiting for their contact to tell them where they must go next to continue their fight.
I don’t normally read novellas, I just don’t tend to pick them up. But the Bone Season novels are not regularly published and there has been so much time between the third and the to be released fourth book, I decided to give it a try. And I was pleased that I did.
It was nice to get back into the Bone Season world and to remember why I liked the series in the first place. It did also make me wish that the novels would come out faster than every 2-4 years. It seems like forever since I read the last one and the series may need a re-read before the next is published.
This one gets 4.5 stars from me.
That’s all for now!