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Lapsit Storytime – 9/11/17


Hi Guys,

Took a little blogging hiatus there for a bit, but I will be back with book reviews this week!

It is finally September, which means baby storytime is back in action! Lapsit is my favorite storytime group. This is a storytime for 0-11 months and we always get lots of laughs and giggles.

Here’s a list of what we did this week:

  1. Rhyme – Welcome, Welcome Everyone

  2. This is to the tune of twinkle, twinkle little star and it is my way to welcome my crew to storytime.

Welcome, welcome everyone

Now you’re here, we’ll have some fun!

First we’ll clap our hands just so,

Then we’ll bend and touch our toes.

Welcome, welcome everyone

Now you’re here, we’ll have some fun!

  1. ASL – Hello Friends

  2. I like to use sign language in my story time. We go over the signs for: Hello, Friends, Time and Say. Thanks to Jbrary for this one!

  3. Song w/ Movements – Hands are for Clapping by Jim Gill

  4. We follow along with the lyrics and do the movements.

  5. Movement Rhyme – Roll, Roll, Roll Your Hands

  6. This is a classic and if you are not comfortable singing the song yourself, there are several versions you can download and play the music.

  7. Story – Overboard! by Sarah Weeks 

  1. This is my favorite baby storytime book to use. It’s full of fun rhymes and alliteration, which is great for phonetic awareness AND whenever I read the word “overboard” the parents dip the babies from side to side. This is really a crowd favorite.

  2. Bounce – This is the Way the Lady Rides

  3. This is one of my most popular bounces. We get faster and faster with each verse.

This is the way the lady rides

Lady ride, lady rides.

This the way on her way to town. 

(Repeat with Gentleman, Doctor and Cowboy.)

  1. Movement Rhyme – I’m a Little Tea Pot

  2. Another classic. We do allo of these rhymes twice because repetition is important for the little ones.

  3. Song – The Wheels on the Bus

  4. I planned quite a few songs this time because my allergies have all but taken my voice. So what’s better then playing a song with easy movements.

  5. Bounce – Going Up and Down in an Elevator

  6. Obviously we like our bounces. Baby goes up and down as you do the rhyme.

Going up and down in an elevator

Up and down in an elevator

Up and down in an elevator

First floor, second floor, third floor, Yay!

  1. Story – Everyone is Yawning by Anita Bijsterbosch 

  1. This is just a fun flip the flap book. Easy to read and fun little surprises as each of the animals get sleepy and yawwwwn.

  2. Song w/ Shakers – Mr. Sun

  3. I like to switch between a song with shakers and a song with scarves. This week we went with the shakers.

  4. Slow down Rhyme – Row, Row, Row Your Boat

  5. We do this one three times, softer and softer each time.

  6. ASL – Goodbye Friends

  7. We learn to say goodbye in ASL and use the same signs and song as our hello.

  8. Song – Goodbye, So long, Farewell My Friends by Music Together

  9. Just a slow, goodbye song I always put on as I open the doors to say goodbye.

How’d it go? This was a whole new crew with lots of fresh faces. Everyone was pretty good at participating and we all had a lot of fun! So happy Lapsit is back!

That’s all for now!


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