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Family Storytime – 11/30/19 – Shapes


Family Storytime – 11/30/19 – Shapes

  1. Song – Top of the Morning

  2. This is a fun tune and great for waking up and doing a little stretching. It’s called Top of the Morning.

  3. Hello Rhyme – Hello, Hello, Hello

  4. This is a little rhyme to say hello in different languages.


Hello, hello, hello. It’s time to say hello. Hello, today, to all my friends. Hello, hello, hello. (English, ASL, Spanish, French, etc.)

  1. Song/Stretch – Hands Are For Clapping by Jim Gill

  2. I love this simple little stretching song. Simple movement and a nice tune.


  4. I always teach three or four signs based on our theme in my family storytimes. Check out Signing Savvy or Baby Sign Language to learn these signs.

  5. Book – Perfect Square by Micheal Hall

  6. This is the “perfect” shape themed book.

  7. Rhyme – Shape Song

A circle is a shape that goes round and round, Round and round, round and round. A circle is a shape that goes round and round, Round and round.

A triangle is a shape with three sides, With three sides, with three sides. A triangle is a shape with three sides, With three sides.  

A square is a shape with four sides, With four sides, with four sides, A square is a shape with four sides, With four sides. (

  1. Song –  Shake Your Sillies Out

  1. And a dance break to get those wiggles out!

  2. Flannel –  Shaped houses—where’s my house

  3. I saw this one at another library when I was with my daughter and it rocked! Sooo I recreated it.

  4. Rhyme – Where is Triangle

  5. I created shape “people” on Popsicle sticks for this one.

Where is triangle?  Where is triangle? Here I am.  Here I am. How are you today, sir?  Very well, I thank you. Run away.  Run away. (I repeated this rhyme with rectangle, circle, and square) (

  1. Book/Flannel – Out of Shapes by Ashley G.

  2. I have a flannel for this that is going to be super complicated but I am determined to try it!

  3. Rhyme –  Little Circle


Little circle (fingers and thumb) Bigger circle (two hands) Biggest circle (Both arms)

  1. Song/Bubbles – Bubble Bath

  2. never break out the bubbles for family storytime because it’s a risk with that many people. But bubbles are circles soooo please don’t trample me!

  3. Song/Shakers –  Mr. Sun by Raffi

  4. The sun is round, so we can shape shake to this song.

  5. Goodbye Rhyme – Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye

  6. We do goodbye the same way we said hello.

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. It’s time to say goodbye. Goodbye, today, to all my friends. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. (English, ASL, Spanish, French, etc.)

  1. Song – Clean It Up! by The Laurie Berkner Band

  2. Everyone helps put our shakers away.

  3. Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell my Friends by Music Together

  4. I always put this one on as I go to open the door. Its a nice, slow, peaceful song to wind down on.

How’d it go:

I decided that my Out of Shapes flannel had too many pieces, so I ended up doing It Looked Like Spilt Milk instead. Fun was had!

That’s all for now!




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