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Dragons in a Bag


Dragons in a Bag by Zetta Elliott is a juvenile fiction book for 2-5 graders.

When Jaxon's mom drops him off to spend the day with a mean old lady, called "Ma," he has no idea what he is getting mixed up in. Quickly, Jaxon finds out that Ma is not his grandmother and that she is a witch and she needs help delivering baby dragons to the world of magic, where they can live in safety.

There are two rules you have to follow when transporting dragons: don't let them out of the bag and don't feed them, especially sweets! But Jaxon has been separated from Ma and his friends Vikram and Kavita have broken both of the rules. Will Jaxon be able to finish the delivery and what will he do if he can't find Ma?

This was an easy read for those fantasy fans out there. Not one of my favorite reads for 2-3rd grade but I can imagine it would be a good read aloud for an adult to read with their children. There's wasn't a whole lot there and I thought the world building could have been just a smidgen better.

Jaxon was a believable character. He has his flaws but wants to do better and make amends for his mistakes. And Ma, is your typical curmudgeonly old lady with a heart. The story ends in a little bit of a cliff hanger, so readers will want to pick up the sequel to find out if Jaxon is able to finish his delivery and make up for his mistakes.

Overall, not a bad read but maybe not the first one I would recommend. Neat concept though. This one gets 3 stars from me.

That's all for now!


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