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Baby Storytime: 9/9/19 – Animals 


Baby Storytime: 9/9/19 – Animals

  1. Hello Rhyme

  2. This is one I got from Jbrary. You teach the ASL signs for “hello, friends, time & say.” Then you all do it together.

Hello friends, Hello friends, It’s time to say hello.

  1. ASL – DUCK / DOG / CAT

  1. For my babies I teach them three vocabulary words in American Sign Language each week. We do a lot of repeats and stick to the easy movement signs. I generally use Baby Sign to check my signs.

  2. Song – Roll Your Hands by Toddlers on Parade

  3. This is a simple movement song that is slow and easy for the little guys.

  4. Board Book – Peek-A-Moo by Marie Torres Cimarusti

  5. I pass this one out to encourage one-on-one reading. This is a popular one with flaps, so lots of interacting can be done with baby.

  6. Rhyme/Puppet – Mokey See, Monkey Do

  7. This is a fun one that can be adapted with simple movements for baby and adults to do together.

Monkey see, monkey do Little monkey in the zoo Monkey, monkey, in the tree Can you jump around like me? (swing tail, clap hands, nod head, sit down) Monkeys!

  1. Song –  Old MacDonald Had a Farm

  2. I’m using a slower version of the song with my babies but you could also break out the puppets with any version.

  3. Flannel/Puppet – Little Bunny in a Hat

  4. This can be done with a puppet, while the caregivers do it with their hands. Your fist being the hat and your other hand two fingers being the bunny.

Little bunny in a hat Sitting so still Will it come out? Yes it will! It looks to the left It looks to the right It looks straight ahead And pops out of sight. (

  1. Finger Play – Slowly, Slowly

  2. I’ve been incorporating this one in more often because it was such a success.

lowly, slowly, very slowly up the garden rail Slowly, slowly, very slowly creeps the garden snail Quickly, quickly, very quickly all around the house. Quickly, quickly, very quickly runs the garden mouse. (

  1. Rhyme – An elephant goes like this and that

  2. Simple movements here and a fun elephant noise at the end!

The elephant goes like this, like that. (Move on all fours, slowly like an elephant) He’s terribly big. (Stand up, reach arms high) And he’s terribly fat. (Stretch arms out to the sides) He has no fingers, (Make fists, hiding fingers.) He has no toes, (Wiggle toes) But goodness gracious, What a nose! (Point to nose)

  1. Book – Whose are These?: Whose Feet? by Sue Tarsky

  2. This is a new book to our library and I believe there is one about hands as well. But it’s perfect for babies–short and identifying animals.

  3. Lift – Toast in the Toaster

  1. Another popular lift for us to use our muscles with. I bounce baby until the pop out of the toaster.

Toast in the toaster Getting very hot! Tick-tock, tick-tock Up you pop!

  1. Bounce – Bouncy, Bouncy Baby

  2. What baby doesn’t love bouncing?

Bounce, bounce, up and down, Bounce, bounce all around Bouncing fast Bouncing slow Bounce, bounce…BOOM! (

  1. Song/Shaker –  Rockin’ Robin by Dancin’ Magic

  2. I’ve been really into using shaker songs that my adults might be familiar with it. It get’s them more involved and is more fun to dance to in my opinion.

  3. Song/Bubbles – Took a bath in a washing machine by Jim Gill

  4. When we track bubbles with our eyes we are strengthening the eye muscles we later use for reading.

  5. Goodbye Rhyme – ASL Goodbye

  6. We end the same way we started except we learn the sign for goodbye instead of hello.

  7. Song – Clean It Up by Laurie Berkner

  8. Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by K. Guilmartin

How’d it go:

It’s September and our baby storytimes gets a little less crowded, which is a nice break from the 40+ babies of summer. I also forgot all of my puppets *head slap* Reguardless, this seemed like a really quick storytime and I wasn’t overly impressed with the reaction of my second book. But we had lots of participation and fun was had by all!

That’s all for now!


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