Hello Rhyme – Wake Up Feet

Wake up feet, wake up feet
Wake up feet and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wake up feet, wake up feet
Wake up and wiggle in the morning.
(Also: hands, ears, knees, fingers, hips, etc.)
Literacy Tip - Sing
Singing slows language down and breaks words into syllables. Early literacy tip for caregivers-Sing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” with an adult and choose the animals. Act the animals out together or use puppets or stuffed animals.
Song – Wake Up Toes by Joanie Bartels
Board Book – Where is Baby's Yummy Tummy by Karen Katz
Rhyme – Baby’s Fingers
These are baby’s fingers (touch fingers)
These are baby’s toes (touch toes)
This is baby’s belly button (touch stomach)
Round and round it goes! (tickle)

Rhyme – Dance Your Fingers
Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down
Dance them to the side and dance them all around.
Dance them on our shoulders, dance them on your head.
Dance them on your tummy, and put them all to bed!
Prop/Flannel - Dear Zoo by Rob Cambell
Song – Open Shut Them by Super Simple Songs
Book – A Good Day by Kevin Henkes
Lift – Icka Bicka Soda Cracker
Icka bicka soda cracker, icka bicka boo
Icka bicka soda cracker, up goes you! (lift baby)
Icka bicka soda cracker, icka bicka boo
Icka bicka soda cracker, I love you! (hugs and kisses)

Bounce – Hop with Me
Hop, hop, hop along
Or bounce on someone’s knee
Higher and higher and higher and higher
Bunny-hop with me!
Song/Shakers - Silly Dance Contest by Jim Gill
Song/Bubbles - Splish Splash by You’ve Got Mail
Goodbye Rhyme – See You Later Alligator
See you later, alligator (Wave goodbye)
In a while, crocodile
Give a hug, ladybug (Hug yourself)
Blow a kiss, jellyfish (Blow a kiss)
See you soon, big baboon
Out the door, dinosaur (March)
Take care, polar bear
Wave goodbye, butterfly (Wave goodbye)
Song – Clean It Up by Laurie Berkner
Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by K. Guilmartin