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Baby Storytime: 5/26/2022


Here's what I have planned this week:

Hello Rhyme – Wake Up Feet

Wake up feet, wake up feet

Wake up feet and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

Wake up feet, wake up feet

Wake up and wiggle in the morning.

(Also: hands, ears, knees, fingers, hips, etc.)


For my babies I like to teach new vocabulary words in American Sign Language each week. We do a lot of repeats and stick to the easy movement signs. I generally use Baby Sign to check my signs.

Literacy Tip - READ

Reading to our children will not only instill a love of reading but will expand their vocabulary and build comprehension skills. Early literacy tip for caregivers- When you are out walking or driving, point out colors and words on road signs.

Song – Tap Your Toes and Follow Me by Susan Salador

Board Book – Hello, Baby Animals! By Happy Baby

I pass this one out to encourage one-on-one reading.

Rhyme – Baby’s Fingers

These are baby’s fingers (touch fingers)

These are baby’s toes (touch toes)

This is baby’s belly button (touch stomach)

Round and round it goes! (tickle)

Rhyme – Fingers like to wiggle waggle

Fingers like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle.

Fingers like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle.


Fingers like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle.

Fingers like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle.


How else do fingers like to wiggle?

(wiggle on different body parts)

Prop/Flannel - Turtle Splash! By Cathryn Falwell

Broke out an old flannel story based on Falwell's book.

Rhyme – Open Shut Them

Open, shut them

Open, shut them

Give a little clap, clap, clap!

Open, shut them

Open, shut them

Lay them in your lap, lap lap.

Creep them crawl them , creep them crawl them

Right up to your chin, chin chin

Open up your little mouth

But do not let them in!

Book – Clip Clop by Nicola Smee

I love this book and it is great for baby because you can follow along, while bouncing baby on your lap.

Song – Wheels on the Bus by Cedarmont Kids

Lift – Tick Tock

Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little cuckoo clock.

Tick tock, tick tock, now it’s one o’clock.

Cuckoo! (Lift baby into the air)

Continue with two and three o’clock.

Bounce – This is the way the lady rides

This is the way the lady rides,

Lady rides, lady rides,

This is the way the lady rides.

On her way to town.

This is the way the gentleman rides,

Gentleman rides, gentleman rides,

This is the way the gentleman rides.

On his way to town.

This is the way the doctor rides,

Doctor rides, doctor rides,

This is the way the doctor rides.

On his way to town.

This is the way the cowboy rides,

Cowboy rides, cowboy rides,

This is the way the cowboy rides.

On his way to town.

Song/Scarves - Shake Your Scarves by Johnette Downing

Song/Bubbles - Splish Splash from the You’ve Got Mail Soundtrack

Goodbye Rhyme – Our Hands Say Thank You

Our hands say thank you with

A clap, clap, clap;

Our feet say thank you with a

Tap, tap, tap.

Clap, clap, clap!

Tap, tap, tap!

We roll our hands around, and say,


Song – Clean It Up by Laurie Berkner

Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by K. Guilmartin

How'd it go:

Baby storytime went really well this week and we had quite a crew. So glad to be back on a regular schedule with storytimes!

That's all for now!


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