This month we are moving to a weekly baby storytime and I am so excited! Here’s what I have planned for the first one:
ASL – Hello Friends
I like to use sign language in my story time. We go over the signs for: Hello, Friends, Time and Say. Thanks to Jbrary for this one!
Name Rhyme – Where is…
If the group is small enough, I like to get to know everyone by sharing our names in a fun way.
Where is __________? Where is ___________?
There he/she is! There he/she is!
I’m so glad to see you! I’m so glad to see you!
Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo
Movement Exercise – Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Everyone knows this classic. We do it three times, faster and faster each time. By then end, all my sleepy kiddos are ready to go!
Board Book – Vroom, Vroom. Trucks! by Karen Katz
I pass out board books. We read together once and then have some one-on-one time.
Song w/ Shakers – On The Road Again by Joanie Bartell
I love this version of this song and it’s a really fun one for a transportation theme.
Bounce – Going Up and Down in an Elevator
Going up and down in an elevator
Up and down in an elevator
Up and down in an elevator
First floor, second floor, third floor, Yay!
Big Book – “Freight Train” by Donald Crews
We have this one as a big book and it’s great for a transportation theme and for identifying colors.
Bounce – This is the Way the Lady Rides
This is one of my most popular bounces. We get faster and faster with each verse.
This is the way the lady rides
Lady ride, lady rides.
This the way on her way to town.
(Repeat with Gentleman, Doctor and Cowboy.)
Song – Tap Your Toes and Follow Me by Susan Salidor
This is a song with minimal movements, perfect for baby storytime.
Bubbles – Bubbles by Parachute Express
The perfect song to play while blowing bubbles.
ASL – Goodbye Friends
We learn to say goodbye in ASL and use the same signs and song as our hello.
Song – Goodbye, So long, Farewell My Friends by Music Together
Just a slow, goodbye song I always put on as I open the doors to say goodbye.
How’d it go: Overall, things went really well. Everyone loved the bubbles and I was able to get through everyone’s name in the beginning without it getting to repetitive. This is just such a fun group! I am so excited we are making it a weekly storytime!
That’s all for now!