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Baby Storytime: 10/15/18


Here is what we did for this weeks baby storytime:

  1. Stretch – Wake Up Feet!

Wake up feet, wake up feet Wake up feet and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle Wake up feet, wake up feet Wake up and wiggle in the morning. Also: hands, ears, knees, fingers, hips, etc.

  1. ASL – The More We Get Together

  1. We first teach the kids the signs for: More, Together, Happy & Friends. Then incorporate the signs as we sing the song. Check out Signing Savvy or Baby Sign Language to learn these signs.

  2. Song – Skidermarink by Six Little Ducks

  3. Just a classic movement song to get us going.

  4. Board Book – Big Chickie, Little Chickie by Janee TraslerI pass out board books to each of the families to help promote one-on-one reading. This is a new one for our library and it’s great for working in opposites. The cover is also squishy, which we love.

  5. Rhyme – The Itsy Bitsy Spider

  6. I haven’t done this one in forever and babies love it!

  7. Prop – Five Little Nails

  8. Take a look at my post on this one. So easy to make. I think I am going to do something similar with five little pumpkins soon.

  9. Song/Scarves – Flitter Flutter by Johnette Downing

  10. Scarves aren’t my favorite but I know they are great for the little ones. Here we pretend to be birds and butterflies.

  11. Book – Mouse’s First Fall by Laura Thompson

  1. A little long for the babies but I have different color leaves to show and identify as we go.

  2. Lift – Going Up and Down in an Elevator

Going up and down in an elevator. Up and down in an elevator. Up and down in an elevator. 1st floor. 2nd floor. 3rd floor. DOWN!

  1. Bounce – This is the way the lady rides

  2. My babies and caregivers love this one. We bounce faster and faster with each verse.

This is the way the lady rides. Lady rides, lady rides. This is the way the lady rides. So early in the morning.

This is the way the gentleman rides, gentleman rides, gentleman rides. This is the way the gentleman rides. So early in the morning.

This is the way the doctor rides. Doctor rides, doctor rides. This is the way the doctor rides. So early in the morning.

This is the way the cowboy rides. Cowboy rides, cowboy rides. This is the way the cowboy rides. So early in the morning. 

  1. Song/Shakers – Chugga-Lugga-Choo-Choo by Johnette Downing

  2. Shakers kind of sound like mini trains, so that is what we are pretending to be!

  3. Song/Bubbles – Bubbles by Parachute Express

  4. I love the bubble maker for the babies. Bubbles help babies because the same eye muscles the use to track the bubbles as they move, are the same muscles they will later use for reading.

  5. ASL – The More We Get Together

  6. I like to end with the same sign language song we used in the beginning.

  7. Song – Clean It Up

  8. Any good clean up song will work.

  9. Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by Music Together

  10. I will always put this one on in the background as everyone leaves because I just love it!

How’d it go: This one went really well. A good crowd and I just loved how everyone read along with me when we did our board book! Finally, starting to get back into a groove with this one–getting my regulars and a smattering of new guys each week.

That’s all for now!


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